Thursday, April 26, 2007

Heading West!

Indiana was as far west as i'd ever going all the way out to Iowa was a whole new adventure. I had to drive with the sun in my headlights the whole way out there, and i got absolutely covered in dead bugs!

Then it was over to the big city to see Nate and Deb in Chicago. Uncle Matt then took me over to Ikea, where i got stuffed full of new bookcases, kitchen stuff, and neat storage jobbies so his clothes aren't just hanging around on the floor all the time....poor Nate and Deb had to squeeeeeze in to fit for the ride back to thier place from the store!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

what a dork

Who takes a picture of thier own parking spot? And are they taking it so they can remember where to find the car, or so that they can look back and reminisce about "great spots of yester year??"

quite some time...

Well, its been quite some time, and mile miles, since we got packed up to head out to here are some pics...

Dennis gets in touch with his inner-trucker...

It didnt snow at all the whole time we were up in vermont...then, on the way to the airport...what do you know...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Modificato Specification

I have received an upgrade in both cockpit storage capacity as well as driver comfort options, not to mention a "sort of" cup holder. I'm like all the fancy cars with my new armrest!