Thursday, December 6, 2007

Where I've been...

Just trying to keep track, and Uncle Sean had a cool tool for that:

I have a few more to go!! My driver was thinking to go visit Fargo and make more of these states Red, but I think he's focusing on doing some things around the house...and I hope cleaning out the garage is on that list!!

One year!!!

Wow, I can't believe I've been with my new driver for exactly one year already.

It's been quite a year!! I went to a lot of places I'd never been to before-From Iowa to Alabama to Vermont. Whew! I can't wait for later this month when I get to see Harmon and Michael again up in Vermont. I think I heard something about my driver looking for a roof-rack, which will be cool for me so I can carry even more stuff! Hopefully this year, though, I won't have to carry a christmas tree-that seems to me like "Rusty-Work" because all those needles get dropped and it can be sticky with the sap, too!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy birthday, Harmon!!!

I wanted to wish one of my old passengers a happy birthday! He came to visit me at my new home in Indianapolis, and he is getting really big and taking up a lot of room in the back seat!!

Happy Birthday, Harmon!!!

Red "Sweede"

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Lights, please!!

I noticed that I couldn't see that well when I was driving through the hills in Virginia. It was a lot of fun, with sharp turns and big hills, but I really needed all my lights!! Good thing my owner kept an extra bulb in the trunk for exactly this kind of thing...

Monday, November 19, 2007

I've been everywhere, man...

Well, ok, not everywhere...but I have been a lot of places, and still more to go!!

Stuffed again!

Well, the trip to Virginia and DC was fun, but then it was time for me to do my special trick and absorb a crazy amount of things that shouldn't fit, and then go for a long drive...through the night, almost...but I had no problem at all, once I got my other headlight fixed! I was glad I had a spare bulb stored in the trunk!!

My driver got to be up on the stand at the start of the race...but he wouldn't let me go on the track, for even one lap!

Going legit

Well I finally got a new tag! It feels a little wierd not to be from Virginia, but at least now I know all my paperwork is sorted out. I don't think my driver is very good about those kinds of things...

Going, and going, and going...

Well, the miles keep coming! I did one last trip to a race track for the season. It was a nice drive, but the best part was I got to see my old family again. It was kind of strange though because they weren't living where we used to, but it was still a lot of fun to see them!

Here I am at the last race track, and I have my CB attached, too!

Feet first

So I got something in the mail today...fancy foot mats. I wish my driver would take his shoes off before getting in, but he almost never does, so at least this winter when his feet are wet and muddy or snowy...I won't be!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I almost forgot...

I got to see Michael and Harmon again! We went for a ride to the beach so we could fly the plane with daddy and have plenty of room. We didn't get to go on any other trips, but at least they stopped and got thier picture taken with me again, and we even got one of my driver in there, too!

Home again home again...

Jiggity jog...a long trip, but now i can rest for a few days...I hope!! At least my driver got me cleaned up today!

Look at how far I've gone!!

Wow, the miles just keep coming...and I am loving it! I don't love my new tire, but otherwise I've been pretty happy on the you can see here...

Heading home...

then it was the long trip back home took eleven or so hours to go from CT to Indianapapolis. we went right through all day on sunday. i was all loaded up, with months worth of clothes, a new bench, CB, GPS, iPod, everything! but we had good weather and i got to strech my legs a little bit. I think I'm due for an oil change, though, because i just turned 85,000 miles and its time to get some new fluids!

I got stuffed full of, well, stuff...for the long ride home...

I hear my owner is going back to where i used to live...but hes not bringing me...thats not fair!!

Heading back home...but first...another track!!

Well, its been good up here in Vermont, but i have to admit i am looking forward to getting back home. I won't miss going up and down this bumpy road nearly every day!

But first, I am going to stop and stay with Uncle Sean, and also see another race track...Lime Rock Park!

So i made it to another race track. Lime Rock Park. It was a prety cool place. My owner seemed to know a lot of people there, so we just pulled up and parked wherever we felt like it. there were alot of other cool cars there, and even some oof my old old brothers--old Saab Rally cars!!

Two race tracks in one!

So I went up to Trois Rivieres, which is French for "Three Rivers" in Quebec. It was the second time I'd been in Canada in as many weeks as we'd gone to Montreal earlier. But I didnt get to go to the track because my driver just used the Metro. That wasn't much fun for me, just waiting around for him to come back.

But Trois Rivieres was fun. When we visited the race track...we got to park on a different race track...for horses!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Blow out!!

I got steered into, by my driver, a big old rock, when my driver had to swerve to miss someone on a motorcycle. Easy for, I got this horrible flat tire and smacked my wheel pretty well to boot. Now its like i am a race car at Darlington with my stripe on the right side! I got a new tire, but its not nearly as good as my Michelins. I guess, though, its better than just having three tires!!

Through the Big Apple and on my first ferry...

i didnt really get to see anything, except for the Statue of Liberty, way off int the distance. But this was as close to New York City as I'd ever been. I'll tell you that after the long run in Pennsylvania, a change of pace was welcome...but this was way too slooowwww! I was glad to get going again all the way down Long Island...and at the end...I took my first ever Ferry ride....

That was close!!

I managed to get 524 miles out of one tank of gas! But you can see by my warning light, it was a close call but i think my owner, who I suspect has run out of gas in other cars (at least three others, including the Hamilton College Jitney -ed.), so he was anxious to get some gas!

Back from 'Bama

I got back from Alabama late last night--so late that I didn't even notice that I'd gone over 82,000 miles! I'm getting a lot of excercise these days! Just last November, I only had 65,000!


I was at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway today for Formula One, and then, tonight, we went to Indianapolis Raceway Park for some circle-track racing. My owner must know someone because i got to park right up close to the stands. We got out of there before the race ended, though, so we didn't have to wait for traffic!

Can't you's Tennessee...

And...don't forget, Alabama! We went down south, as far South as I've ever been for the race in Birmingham. It was crazy hot, but my a/c worked just fine, thank you! And, it was another new track for me...

In good company

We stopped at my owners parents place, and i was not the only saab in town! We didnt get to go to the dealership for a car wash, but it was still a fun visit!

Watkins Glen...

So after my trip West, it was a tour to the East. We stopped at Thors place on the way out for the 6 Hour race, which had some lousy weather. I though, had a CB for the first time in a long time, and we got some great milage.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

winky wink!

well, looks like its time for a new headlight for me! I think i'm also due for my 60 and 75 k services...should be good to get a little tuned up. I think I'm heading back out East soon!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


After nearly 3,000 miles in about two weeks...I finally got a scrubbing back at home!

Home again!

Well..thats more like it! I'm back at home after the weekend of race tracks. Harmon couldn't even bear to look at me because I'm a little dirty after all my driving around. I didn't get to see Michael because he had to leave early to get to school...

It was nice being back in the old neighborhood and checking in with my freind the minivan...Hopefully we get to stick around for a while!

Getting started

I hear I am making another trip...the opposite way i was just going....

Now going East!

Well, I only got a couple days to chill out in the nice cool garage before I was getting loaded up once then it was east to Columbus, and then on south to Virginia. I didn't know if i was heading home or not. Turned out that i was just going to a bunch of race tracks, although some of the roads in between them were an awful lot of fun....

I also managed to get 32 miles/gallon for most of this trip...I'm pretty impressed with myself, and i can tell my driver likes being able to almost go 500 (!) miles before stopping for fuel...see, I'm not thirsty!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Heading West!

Indiana was as far west as i'd ever going all the way out to Iowa was a whole new adventure. I had to drive with the sun in my headlights the whole way out there, and i got absolutely covered in dead bugs!

Then it was over to the big city to see Nate and Deb in Chicago. Uncle Matt then took me over to Ikea, where i got stuffed full of new bookcases, kitchen stuff, and neat storage jobbies so his clothes aren't just hanging around on the floor all the time....poor Nate and Deb had to squeeeeeze in to fit for the ride back to thier place from the store!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

what a dork

Who takes a picture of thier own parking spot? And are they taking it so they can remember where to find the car, or so that they can look back and reminisce about "great spots of yester year??"

quite some time...

Well, its been quite some time, and mile miles, since we got packed up to head out to here are some pics...

Dennis gets in touch with his inner-trucker...

It didnt snow at all the whole time we were up in vermont...then, on the way to the airport...what do you know...