I was kind of enjoying my life; as a seven year old, I’d had a pretty easy go of things with only 66,000 miles under my Michelins. But, I’d have to admit, seven years of going nearly the exact same place every day was getting kind of boring. I wasn’t even sure that I’d been out of Virginia or the District before.
I began to get suspicious that things were going to change for me when the new owner’s dad went over me with a fine tooth comb, and plenty of Armor All and Turtle Wax. After paying some attention, I discovered that I was going to a new home, somewhere way West. I didn’t know who the new driver was going to be, only that he had a(n ill-begotten) reputation for driving like a madman. A lot.
I just hoped he wasn’t going to be too hard on me, and I was pretty excited to see some new places.
So shortly after thanksgiving, I noticed that the new guy showed up, sitting in me without going anywhere, seeming to relish the idea of hitting the road. Which we did the very next day. Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, and I think a bit of Pennsylvania—all firsts for me. We made good time and i got some great mileage along the way.
He did a couple of high-speed squirts, but seemed to keep the speeds to a reasonable pace. I suspected it was because I was still sporting my VA tags. So when we got home, I got the best spot-staying for the first time in my life in a garage! Although, looking around the garage, I have to wonder how messy my new owner is…
….I got to meet his old car, a Maxima. He sounded pretty tired, and complained that his shocks needed repair. But boy, did he have some stories to tell! He’d been everywhere! Vermont at 40 below zero! Hundred miles an hour! It got me a little excited just to imagine where we’d go next…although I did feel a little bad for him, since I was now in the garage and he had to sit out in the rain…
…I’d only been there a couple days when the new owner stuffed me full of Christmas tree. I had no problem, once he figured out how to get the seats down, taking the whole seven foot tree in without even needing a bunjee cord for my hatchback.
I lost count of how many times we went to Lowes to get the lights and all the trimmings for the tree and the new house, but I was glad it’s a short trip!
I lost my friend the Maxima the other day. I think my owner lent it to someone or something, maybe he was sold? Who knows…all I know is that ive heard we are going up north to Vermont. I hope I get some new snow tires!
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