I wanted to wish one of my old passengers a happy birthday! He came to visit me at my new home in Indianapolis, and he is getting really big and taking up a lot of room in the back seat!!
I noticed that I couldn't see that well when I was driving through the hills in Virginia. It was a lot of fun, with sharp turns and big hills, but I really needed all my lights!! Good thing my owner kept an extra bulb in the trunk for exactly this kind of thing...
Well, the trip to Virginia and DC was fun, but then it was time for me to do my special trick and absorb a crazy amount of things that shouldn't fit, and then go for a long drive...through the night, almost...but I had no problem at all, once I got my other headlight fixed! I was glad I had a spare bulb stored in the trunk!!
My driver got to be up on the stand at the start of the race...but he wouldn't let me go on the track, for even one lap!
Well I finally got a new tag! It feels a little wierd not to be from Virginia, but at least now I know all my paperwork is sorted out. I don't think my driver is very good about those kinds of things...
Well, the miles keep coming! I did one last trip to a race track for the season. It was a nice drive, but the best part was I got to see my old family again. It was kind of strange though because they weren't living where we used to, but it was still a lot of fun to see them!
Here I am at the last race track, and I have my CB attached, too!
So I got something in the mail today...fancy foot mats. I wish my driver would take his shoes off before getting in, but he almost never does, so at least this winter when his feet are wet and muddy or snowy...I won't be!